What to Ask Your Installer
Things to ask your installer if you are having a stove fitted, or reinstating a fireplace If you are considering having a open fire reinstalled
Things to ask your installer if you are having a stove fitted, or reinstating a fireplace If you are considering having a open fire reinstalled
As a professionally registered chimney sweep, I and my collegues in the Guild and Federation of British Chimney Sweeps are all trained to a high
You will have no doubt seen the headlines over the weekend regarding the Government’s announcement on fuels. This forms part of the Clean Air Plan
The video below shows the very best way to build and light a wood fire to minimise CO2 levels. http://diamondsweeps.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/fire-video2.mp4#t=1
Burnright Campaign has been developed independently of any Sweeping organisation or Governmental influence, but has been picked up universally by professional Chimney sweeps and those
From cottages to castles, Diamond Chimney Sweeps ltd, provide a professional chimney cleaning and maintenance service covering Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire since 2010.